Saturday, May 30, 2009

Creating a new normal

I have been experiencing, over the past few weeks, an expectant feeling of returning to normal or the old routine. I now have gotten my brain wrapped around the realization that I can never go there again. It is quite overwhelming and I find myself in denial quite often. Surely, this will pass and I will have that old comfortable feeling again. It is becoming clearer with time that I need to create a new normal. I think that won't be something that I can get a paper and pen out and figure out with lists. I think that I just have to keep getting up each day and go through it and see what happens. It takes patience. That is one of the things that I pray daily for...that and courage. Tom and I leaned on each other for forty years. I am feeling a little off balance.

I am currently in Seattle, WA with my dear friends John and Mary Jane Currier. John was the Coast Guard Officer that spoke so beautifully at the memorial/military part of Tom's funeral across from the church. They live on Puget Sound. I have been here for five days and it truly has been a healing experience. I sit on their porch and look out over the water at snow covered mountains and a huge expanse of blue sky. There is a lazy parade of barges, sail boats, and ferries. I saw some seals the other day. Mary Jane spotted a pod of orka whales last week. I finally have the opportunity to clear my mind and fill it with memories of my life withTom. All of the thank-you cards are done. Bank, State of Michigan and DK Security paperwork is complete. Pam and other relatives are keeping up with things on the farm. I have no obligations. I thought I would crack under the lack of pressure. It has been a way of life for going on a year. But I am doing well.

I have had time to think about the blessing of having caring friends and family. I don't know how people do it without such support. It has made me step back and think how I can be of greater support to others. You all continue to be an inspiration to me. Love, Linda


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are relaxing a bit. Having the heavy weight lifted from your shoulders of all you have done these past long months. You can breath again. Tom will always be apart of you and you a part of him. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other.Your friends will always be right by your side, just as you have always been there for us. Janie

Anonymous said...

Have fun Linda!!!! That is your only job right now.

Amy, Nick and Avarie xo

Shawn Baker said...

I'm glad you are taking time for yourself and it sure sounds like you are getting much needed R&R. I think of you and Tom every day. Love, Shawn

Anonymous said...

Linda, I am glad you have had this time away to relax and recover from the past months. You have had to be a tower of strength and you met that challenge with grace and dignity. I hope each day your memories of Tom will bring a smile to your face and your pain will be less. Life is like a road full of twists and turns. Every day is gift from God. The joy is in the journey and many friends and family are walking with you. It is time to take care of you now. I pray God's guidance and protection over you each day. With Love. Linda Enger